November 28, 2009

Onihime VS Update and Misc

Okay.  It looks like a translation will be coming out Onihime VS ch12.  Once I get ahold of that, I'll do the typeset for it and put it up.  The cleaning for it is already done so it shouldn't take too long.  I hope that this will continue for future chapters as well.

And just a note, I've started working with a secondary monitor display.  It's awesome.  If you can, then try it.  All these simultaneous data readouts really make things easy (and looks cool as well).  It should also speed up typesetting a lot since I won't need to keep switching between programs (which is what I keep doing since I can't seem to remember more than a few words at a time).

November 23, 2009

Onihime VS cleaning fun time

Okay I was a little bored for a few days so I tried a little something.  Onihime VS is a series that I like a lot.  But it hasn't been scanlated in awhile.  Chapters 12 and 13 are still incomplete.  I took the RAWs and cleaned them up (except for sfx and out of bubble text).  Anyone who wants them can use them.

Onihime VS ch 12 and 13