December 11, 2009

New Season of Anime in Japan

Okay the current season of anime is about to become complete.  New year means new anime!!
While I prefer dubs I also like to have up to date series (subs a few days after release).
My favorite two series from this season have been Kampfer and Asura Cryin 2.  Unfortunately they have run their course and are just about finished (Kampfer only has the extra episode next week and Asura Cryin has two weeks left).

This upcoming season has two series I am looking forward to.  Omamori Himari (starts on 01/06/2010) and Dance in the Vampire Bund (starts on 01/07/2010).

If you know anything of these two series in the manga form, you may want to see them in their anime form.  Looks like a good way to start the new year.

December 10, 2009

Onihime VS update

Okay still waiting on that translation for Onihime VS that was supposed to be coming out.  I have seen no sign of one, so I can only assume (even though I hate assumptions) that one will not be done any time soon.

Too bad, I was very much looking forward to it.  And I know a few people who were looking forward to it as well.

And here's the cover for ch12 in case someone wants to see a reason for it to be popular.

Just who can resist that?
I'll keep hoping that someone decides to take it up.  I'll also keep cleaning any future RAWs for Onihime VS just in case someone picks it up.