November 20, 2009

Burning and Dodging are your friend

This really only has to do with people who use photoshop and such.  It has a major bit to do with cleaning.

When first starting most people try to do WAY too much work with the brush tool.  I  found out the hard way that this is pointless.  It takes a large amount of time and is way too delicate.  This makes the brush tool not that important (I use it very rarely now).

It is much more usefull to use burning to darken colors (such as hair and such that you want to stand out) and dodging to lighten colors (such as removing that little excess dirty looking fading pixels on the side of images).

I typically use these at around 20-30% exposure.  First I burn in the hair and such to my liking.  If there's a part that is just being disobediant I will quickly use the brush to pound it.
Then I use the dodge to remove any excess crap and make the image stand out clearer.

This has cut my time back by a large amount (I only just started doing these again for a few days now since I was away from photoshop for so long).  The more correct difference there is between the image elements, the less it looks flat.

Practicing with it can be interesting.

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